Do you live in Murfreesboro, Christiana, Smyrna or anywhere in between? Fed up with these crazy insurance prices and staying in network for doctors you don’t even know? If you’re fed up with long waits for medical appointments, jumping through hoops for your insurance company and not getting the personalized attention you want out of your physician? If so — we have great news! Direct Primary Care has made its way to Murfreesboro and is ready to serve you! Did you know that many doctors feel the same frustrations as you do as a patient, when it comes to dealing with insurance companies and not having enough one on one time with their patients?

Insurance Companies have largely taken the personal aspect out of the healthcare industry and cause doctors to rush visits and spend very little time with their patients. Direct Primary Care physicians are different. In many cases, they are doctors who got tired of having to appease insurance companies and they are frustrated that they are not able to provide the level of care they want to give their patients not being able to provide the level of care they want to for their patients. Direct Primary Care physicians are all about going back to the basics and offering a new model of healthcare that eliminates the red tape that has been put up by third parties and insurance companies — it’s focused on making Healthcare affordable to people, not solely focused on making insurance affordable. In most cases, Direct Primary Care physicians charge a low monthly fee for their services and patients in turn get more access to their doctors, lower cost on labs, tests and medications, among other benefits.

Since patients pay Direct Primary Care physicians directly, doctors that provide direct primary care are able to spend more time with their patients and are even able to offer lower costs on medicines, medical testing, imaging and even some procedures by getting wholesale prices without the insurance markup. Vanguard Direct Family Medicine is happy to offer Rutherford County and Middle Tennessee residents unlimited visits for patients and a variety of different care options for your needs. As a direct primary care provider, there is more time devoted to the patient and less time spent worrying about insurance ratings and copays. Direct primary care is the definition of something old being made new, Direct Primary Care physicians are bringing back the original model for patient care and devoting more time to what matters – not the insurance company, but you – the patient. Vanguard Direct Family Medicine strives to offer the best care to patients in Murfreesboro and parts of Middle Tennessee and is happy to do it at a lower rate and on a much more personal level.